
José Luis López Marín

José Luis López Marín is a Spanish-English elementary teacher from Múrcia, Spain. When not teaching, he likes to travel, spend time with family and friends, and experience fine foods. In only sixteen years, has accrued a lifetime of experience in the field of multilingual education, spanning oceans and continents. In fact, in 2021, his travels led him to New Mexico, USA, where he was the last in a series of teachers from Spain who have come to the rescue, so to speak, to help address a shortage of Spanish-English dual-language teachers in the state. Ironic, when you think about it—but we don't! We’re just grateful that he, like his predecessors, found his way to a certain red-brick elementary school in Albuquerque, where he taught a first-and-second grade combination class for two years. As a result, his students, their parents, his colleagues, and the entire school community benefited for two years from his knowledge, enthusiasm, and expertise. 

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